Strange that I am technically done almost 1/2 of my time here in Kenya...
This morning we split the team in two halves and James, Fred & I headed off to slaughter slabs, while the rest of the team ventured south to swamp area near Lake Victoria. We managed to get two pigs to sample this morning and narrowly missed another 2/3. One of the pigs we sampled was at the slab where the one worker insists on calling me 'Rooney.' He swears that I am Wayne Rooney(he also says the only way he is able to be so awake in the morning is to 'take heavy tea'). He had a couple buddies stop by to confirm it. The one guy had the good sense to say that I was in fact not Wayne Rooney, but certainly must be his brother... I guess the TV broadcasts of the games are pretty grainy...
I also can't be happier that I brought along my big headphones since the cord that plugs into them also plugs into the radios in the Land Cruisers. Somehow we lost the aerial antennas off of *both* of the Land Cruisers... Exploring through some pretty thick, rugged and remote areas at some point managed to rip them out of place... It beats the radio too. When it was working, the one big station seemed to rotate the same 10 songs over and over(like the US!) and the only other is the BBC branch out of Nairobi(which I did actually like quite a bit). Anyways, Black Eyed Peas- I Gotta Feeling has been a big hit with James, where as Fabrice loves the mixes with Matisyahu. Zydeco has gotten a good reaction, but try explaining an accordion to someone who has never seen one... Not easy(same goes for explanations concerning lacrosse...).
So for this weekend, I should be pretty well out of contact. But the cell phone here does allow me to go onto Facebook. So if you have any pressing need to get in touch with me, you can shoot me a line there!! Catch you all on Monday after the giraffes, lions, zebras and rhinos(hopefully)!!!
The cord plugs my iPod into the car's sound system.